Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tandem Racing

Where to start...
Earlier this year, I was approached to be a training partner and pilot for Carrie Willoughby, a paralympic swimmer who wants to make the switch over to cycling.
Pilot, you say? I know, we're on bikes, not planes. But Pilot is the term for the person on the front of a tandem, and Stoker is the term for the person on the back.
So Carrie and I have been going out on a few training rides over the last two months, getting a feel for each other and how we ride. Last Wednesday we did our first race together, the first of the Cherry Creek TT series. It was a ~10.5mi road time trial. Both of us were poorly rested and really stressed out, but we managed a respectable 30:41. Next time, I'd like to be 7% faster.
But results aside, I had a great time racing with Carrie. Having company on the bike actually made the Time Trial (dare I say it?) fun. Usually a TT is just pure suffer-fest, but this rocked.
Anyways, I'm keeping it brief, but stay tuned for more updates as we see where all this crazy tandem riding can lead.

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