Hi all! As many of you know, I'm headed to Europe for a solo cycle tour. So, in honor of the occasion, I've made a blog just to detail the trip. Haven't heard about my travels? Head on over to: Lianna Bikes Europe!
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Lianna Bikes Europe!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The travel bug bites!
The travel bug has jumped aboard and planted its suckers firmly in me. Soon, very soon, the academic semester will end, I'll finish grading the finals, and then it will be time to wander.
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Monday, January 03, 2011
Christmas Break
First off, it rocks to have a three week vacation from work over Christmas and the New Year. Yay, teaching! I spent the holidays lounging on a beach in Mexico, which for most people is the perfect vacation. But I won't lie, at first I thought this plan was going to be BORING. Lounging on the beach is not my idea of Christmas vacation...non-stop powder trees or long nordic treks are more my bailiwick. Not wanting to be the stick in the mud, I prepped myself to enjoy the trip. Lots of "when in Rome" kind of thoughts. And what do you know.....I had a great time. Largely because of the awesome company, but also, there was a profusion of really awesome dead things that washed ashore. It took us three days to figure out that the thing that looked like an unholy union of a head of cabbage, a horse heart, a jellyfish and some chicken livers was in actuality a sea slug. YUM!
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Teaching Thermodynamics II
As many of you know, I've been out of the bike racing action due to an unlucky crash and a dislocated elbow. As I work my back into full range of motion (physical therapy is an exercise in pain endurance), I've been busy with my new job: Teaching at the Mechanical and Aerospace Department of at UCCS (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs). I have been pleasantly surprised with the level of devotion to the topic by the students, as well as the intellectual challenges to myself. Thermo is not easy to learn, and I'm discovering it's even harder to teach. But very fulfilling. And, I have a captive audience for my bad jokes. Ha!
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Monday, August 09, 2010
Off the back...
The remains of the tree as seen from our yard
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Travels and Riding: Colorado Springs to Houghton
You know those adventures that you dream up when you're feeling trapped at work or school? The ones that take far too long to pull off on the measly two weeks of vacation most American jobs offer? Well, I just finished one. For the past four weeks, I've been travelling and riding, in both familiar places, and new. First up, Houghton.

Gitchigumee, otherwise known as Lake Superior
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Friday, April 16, 2010
Today was officially my last day at Ingersoll Rand. I've been lucky enough to work with some VERY fine technicians, engineers, and folks in all sorts of other roles. I've seen great works and focus from the people surrounding me, and grown in the process. But I can also honestly say, that while I will miss the people, I am glad to be moving on from the eight-to-five of corporate engineering, and into the world of who-knows-what's-next. For now, I'll be expanding my coaching business and getting ready to teach engineering at UC-Colorado Springs. And in the very near future, I'll be on a road trip home; Look out Michigan peeps, I'm coming your way!
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